The Keywords static and this

Object-oriented programming languages such as C# are centered on the concept of an object. Class and structure definitions give instructions for constructing individual objects of various types, normally by using the new keyword. When an object is constructed, it has its own fields in which values may be stored. Specifically, if type T has an int field called _length, then each object of type T will have have such a field, and each of these fields may store a different int. Thus, for example, if x and y are instances of type T, then x._length may contain 7, while y._length may contain 12.

Likewise, we can think of each object as having its own methods and properties, as when any of these methods or properties use the fields of the containing class or structure, they will access the fields belonging to a specific object. For example, if type T contains an Add method that changes the value stored in the _length filed, then a call x.Add will potentially change the value stored in x._length.

However, there are times when we want to define a field, method, or property, but we don’t want it associated with any specific object. For example, suppose we want to define a unique long value for each instance of some class C. We can define a private long field _id within this class and give it a value within its constructor. But how do we get this value in a way that ensures that it is unique? One way is to define a private static long field _nextId, as in the following code:

public class C
    private static long _nextId = 0;

    private long _id;

    public C()
        _id = _nextId;

    // Other members could also be defined.

By defining _nextId to be static, we are specifying that each instance of C will not contain a _nextId field, but instead, there is a single _nextId field belonging to the entire class. As a result, code belonging to any instance of C can access this one field. Thus, each time an instance of C is constructed, this one field is incremented. This field therefore acts as a counter that keeps track of how many instances of C have been constructed. On the other hand, because _id is not static, each instance of C contains an _id field. Thus, when the assignment,

_id = _nextId;

is done, the value in the single _nextId field is copied to the value of the _id field belonging to the instance being constructed. Because the single _nextId field is incremented every time a new instance of C is constructed, each instance receives a different value for _id.

We can also define static methods or properties. For example, the MessageBox.Show(string text) method is static. Because it is static, we don’t need a MessageBox object in order to call this method - we simply call something like:

MessageBox.Show("Hello world!");

static methods can also be useful for avoiding NullReferenceExceptions. For example, there are times when we want to determine whether a variable x contains null, but x is of an unknown type (perhaps its type is defined by some type parameter T). In such a case, we cannot use == to make the comparison because == is not defined for all types. Furthermore, the following will never work:

if (x.Equals(null))


Such code will compile, but if x is null, then calling its Equals method will throw a NullReferenceException. In all other cases, the if-condition will evaluate to false. Fortunately, a static Equals method is available to handle this situation:

if (Equals(x, null))


Because this method is defined within the object class, which is a supertype of every other type in C#, we can refer to this method without specifying the containing class, just as if we had defined it in the class or structure we are writing. Because this method does not belong to individual objects, we don’t need any specific object available in order to call it. It therefore avoids a NullReferenceException.

Because a static method or property does not belong to any instance of its type, it cannot access any non-static members directly, as they all belong to specific instances of the type. If however, the code has access to a specific instance of the type (for example, this instance might be passed as a parameter), the code may reference non-static members of that instance. For example, suppose we were to add to the class C above a method such as:

public static int DoSomething(C x)


Code inside this method would be able to access _nextID, but not _id. Furthermore, it would be able to access any static methods or properties contained in the class definition, as well as all constructors, but no non-static methods or properties. However, it may access x._id, as well as any other members of x.

Code within a constructor or a non-static method or property can also access the object that contains it by using the keyword this. Thus, in the constructor code above, we could have written the line

_id = _nextId;


this._id = _nextId;

In fact, the way we originally wrote the code is simply an abbreviation of the above line. Another way of thinking of the restrictions on code within a static method or property is that this code cannot use this, either explicitly or implicitly.