A Simple Hash Table Implementation

In this section, we will look at a simple hash table implementation using a fixed-length table. In subsequent sections, we will consider how to adjust the table size for better performance, as well as how to implement enumerators for iterating through the keys and/or values.

At the core of our implementation is the computation of the hash function. Recall that the implementation of the hash function computation is divided into two parts. The first part of the computation is implemented within the definition of the key type via its GetHashCode method. We will discuss this part of the computation in the section, “Hash Codes” . Here, we will focus on the second step, converting the int hash code returned by the key’s GetHashCode method to a table location.

One common technique, which is used in the .NET implementation of the Dictionary<TKey, TValue> class, is called the division method. This technique consists of the following:

  1. Reset the sign bit of the hash code to 0.
  2. Compute the remainder of dividing this value by the length of the table.

If p is a nonnegative int and q is a positive int, then p % q gives a nonnegative value less than q; hence, if q is the table length, p % q is a location within the table. Furthermore, this calculation often does a good job of distributing hash code values among the different table locations, but this depends on how the hash codes were computed and what the length of the table is.

For example, suppose we use a size $ 2^k $ for some positive integer $ k $. In this case, the above computation can be simplified, as the values formed by $ k $ bits are $ 0 $ through $ 2^k - 1 $, or all of the locations in the table. We can therefore simply use the low-order $ k $ bits of the hash code as the table location. However, it turns out that using the division method when the table size is a power of $ 2 $ can lead to poor key distribution for some common hash code schemes. To avoid these problems, a prime number should be used as the table length. When a prime number is used, the division method tends to result in a good distribution of the keys.

The reason we need to reset the sign bit of the hash code to 0 is to ensure that the first operand to the % operator is nonnegative, and hence that the result is nonnegative. Furthermore, simply taking the absolute value of the hash code won’t always work because $ -2^{31} $ can be stored in an int, but $ 2^{31} $ is too large. Resetting the sign bit to 0 is a quick way to ensure we have a nonnegative value without losing any additional information.

We can do this using a bitwise AND operator, denoted by a single ampersand (&). This operator operates on the individual bits of an integer type such as int. The logical AND of two 1 bits is 1; all other combinations result in 0. Thus, if we want to set a bit to 0, we AND it with 0, and ANDing a bit with 1 will leave it unchanged. The sign bit is the high-order bit; hence, we want to AND the hash code with an int whose first bit is 0 and whose remaining bits are 1. The easiest way to write this value is using hexadecimal notation, as each hex digit corresponds to exactly four bits. We begin writing a hexadecimal value with 0x. The first four bits need to be one 0, followed by three 1s. These three 1 are in the $ 1 $, $ 2 $, and $ 4 $ bit positions of the first hex digit; hence, the value of this hex digit should be 7. We then want seven more hex digits, each containing four 1s. An additional 1 in the $ 8 $ position gives us a sum of $ 15 $, which is denoted as either f or F in hex. We can therefore reset the sign bit of an int i as follows:

i = i & 0x7fffffff;


i &= 0x7fffffff;

Now let’s consider how we would look up a key. First, we need to obtain the key’s hash code by calling its GetHashCode method. From the hash code, we use the division method to compute the table location where it belongs. We then search the linked list for that key.

Adding a key and a value is done similarly. We first look for the key as described above. If we find it, we either replace its KeyValuePair with a new one containing the new value, or we throw an exception, depending on how we want this method to behave. If we don’t find it, we add a new cell containing the given key and value to the beginning of the list we searched.

Note that looking up a key or adding a key and a value as described above can be implemented using either methods or indexers (.NET uses both). See the section, “Indexers” for details on how to implement an indexer.