
In this section, we will show how to improve the performance of a hash table by adjusting the size of the array. In order to see how the array size impacts the performance, let’s suppose we are using an array with $ m $ locations, and that we are storing $ n $ keys in the hash table. In what follows, we will analyze the number of keys we will need to examine while searching for a particular key, k.

In the worst case, no matter how large the array is, it is possible that all of the keys map to the same array location, and therefore all end up in one long linked list. In such a case, we will need to examine all of the keys whenever we are looking for the last one in this list. However, the worst case is too pessimistic — if the hash function is implemented properly, it is reasonable to expect that something approaching a uniform random distribution will occur. We will therefore consider the number of keys we would expect to examine, assuming a uniform random distribution of keys throughout the table.

We’ll first consider the case in which k is not in the hash table. In this case, we will need to examine all of the keys in the linked list at the array location where k belongs. Because each of the $ n $ keys is equally likely to map to each of the $ m $ array locations, we would expect, on average, $ n / m $ keys to be mapped to the location where k belongs. Hence, in this case, we would expect to examine $ n / m $ keys, on average.

Now let’s consider the case in which k is in the hash table. In this case, we will examine the key k, plus all the keys that precede k in its linked list. The number of keys preceding k cannot be more than the total number of keys other than k in that linked list. Again, because each of the $ n - 1 $ keys other than k is equally likely to map to each of the $ m $ array locations, we would expect, on average, $ (n - 1) / m $ keys other than k to be in the same linked list as k. Thus, we can expect, on average, to examine no more than $ 1 +  (n - 1) / m $ keys when looking for a key that is present.

Notice that both of the values derived above decrease as $ m $ increases. Specifically, if $ m \geq n $, the expected number of examined keys on a failed lookup is no more than $ 1 $, and the expected number of examined keys on a successful lookup is less than $ 2 $. We can therefore expect to achieve very good performance if we keep the number of array locations at least as large as the number of keys.

We have already seen (e.g., in “Implementation of StringBuilders ”) how we can keep an array large enough by doubling its size whenever we need to. However, a hash table presents two unique challenges for this technique. First, as we observed in the previous section , we are most likely to get good performance from a hash table if the number of array locations is a prime number. However, doubling a prime number will never give us a prime number. The other challenge is due to the fact that when we change the size of the array, we consequently change the hash function, as the hash function uses the array size. As a result, the keys will need to go to different array locations in the new array.

In order to tackle the first challenge, recall that we presented an algorithm for finding all prime numbers less than a given n in “Finding Prime Numbers ”; however, this is a rather expensive way to find a prime number of an appropriate size. While there are more efficient algorithms, we really don’t need one. Suppose we start with an array size of $ 5 $ (there may be applications using many small hash tables — the .NET implementation starts with an array size of $ 3 $). $ 5 $ is larger than $ 2^2 = 4 $. If we double this value $ 28 $ times, we reach a value larger than $ 2^{30} $, which is larger than $ 1 $ billion. More importantly, this value is large enough that we can’t double it again, as an array in C# must contain fewer than $ 2^{31} $ locations. Hence, we need no more than $ 29 $ different array sizes. We can pre-compute these and hard-code them into our implementation; for example,

private int[] _tableSizes = 
    5, 11, 23, 47, 97, 197, 397, 797, 1597, 3203, 6421, 12853, 25717,
    51437, 102877, 205759, 411527, 823117, 1646237, 3292489, 6584983,
    13169977, 26339969, 52679969, 105359939, 210719881, 421439783,
    842879579, 1685759167 

Each of the values in the above array is a prime number, and each one after the first is slightly more than twice its predecessor. In order to make use of these values, we need a private field to store the index at which the current table size is stored in this array. We also need to keep track of the number of keys currently stored. As this information is useful to the user, a public int Count property would be appropriate. It can use the default implementation with a get accessor and a private set accessor.

One important difference between the reason for rehashing and the reason for creating a larger array for an implementation of a StringBuilder , stack , or queue is that rehashing is done simply for performance reasons - there is always room to put a new key and value into a hash table unless we have run out of memory. For this reason, it makes sense to handle rehashing after we have added the new key and value. This results in one extra linked-list insertion (i.e., updating two references) each time we rehash, but it simplifies the coding somewhat. Because rehashing is rarely done, this overhead is minimal, and seems to be a reasonable price to pay for simpler code.

Once a new key and value have been added, we first need to update the Count. We then need to check to see whether this number exceeds the current array size. As we do this, we should also make sure that the array size we are using is not the last array size in _tableSizes, because if it is, we can’t rehash. If both of these conditions hold, we need to rehash.

To begin rehashing, we copy the reference to the table into a local variable and increment the field giving our current index into _tableSizes. We then construct for the table field a new array whose size is given by the value at the new current index into _tableSizes. Note that it is important that the local variable is used to refer to the old table, and that the field is used to refer to the new table, as the hash function uses the field to obtain the array size.

We then need to move all keys and values from the old table to the new one. As we do this, we will need to re-compute the hash function for each key, as the hash function has now changed. We therefore need two nested loops. The outer loop iterates through the locations in the old table, and the inner loop iterates through the linked list at that location. On each iteration of the inner loop:

  1. Use a local variable to save another reference to the current cell in the linked list at the current table location.
  2. Advance to the next cell in the list.
  3. Using the hash function, compute the new array location of the key in the cell that was saved in step 1.
  4. Insert this cell into the beginning of the linked list at the new array location in the new table.

It is important to do step 2 above prior to step 4, as inserting a cell into a new list will lose the reference to the next cell in the old list.