Equality in C#

Continuing our discussion from the previous section , we want to define a type that represents a Nim board. Furthermore, we need to be able to compare instances of this type for equality. Before we can address how this can be done, we first need to take a careful look at how C# handles equality. In what follows, we will discuss how C# handles the == operator, the non-static Equals method, and two static methods for determining equality. We will then show how the comparison can be defined so that all of these mechanisms behave in a consistent way.

We first consider the == operator. The behavior of this operator is determined by the compile-time types of its operands. This is determined by the declared types of variables, the declared return types of methods or properties, and the rules for evaluating expressions. Thus, for example, if we have a statement

object x = "abc";

the compile-time type of x is object, even though it actually refers to a string.

For pre-defined value types , == evaluates to true if its operands contain the same values. Because enumerations are represented as numeric types such as int or byte, this rule applies to them as well. For user-defined structures, == is undefined unless the structure definition explicitly defines the == and != operators. We will show how this can be done below.

By default, when == is applied to reference types, it evaluates to true when the two operands refer to the same object (i.e., they refer to the same memory location). A class may override this behavior by explicitly defining the == and != operators. For example, the string class defines the == operator to evaluate to true if the given strings are the same length and contain the same sequence of characters.

Let’s consider an example that illustrates the rules for reference types:

string a = "abc";
string b = "0abc".Substring(1);
object x = a;
object y = b;
bool comp1 = a == b;
bool comp2 = x == y;

The first two lines assign to a and b the same sequence of characters; however, because the strings are computed differently, they are different objects. The next two lines copy the reference in a to x and the reference in b to y. Thus, at this point, all four variables refer to a string “abc”; however, a and x refer to a different object than do b and y. The fifth line compares a and b for equality using ==. The compile-time types of a and b are both string; hence, these variables are compared using the rules for comparing strings. Because they refer to strings of the same length and containing the same sequence of characters, comp1 is assigned true. The behavior of the last line is determined by the compile-time types of x and y. These types are both object, which defines the default behavior of this operator for reference types. Thus, the comparison determines whether the two variables refer to the same object. Because they do not, comp2 is assigned false.

Now let’s consider the non-static Equals method. The biggest difference between this method and the == operator is that the behavior of x.Equals(y) is determined by the run-time type of x. This is determined by the actual type of the object, independent of how any variables or return types are declared.

By default, if x is a value type and y can be treated as having the same type, then x.Equals(y) returns true if x and y have the same value (if y can’t be treated as having the same type as x, then this method returns false). Thus, for pre-defined value types, the behavior is the same as for == once the types are determined (provided the types are consistent). However, the Equals method is always defined, whereas the == operator may not be. Furthermore, structures may override this method to change this behavior — we will show how to do this below.

By default, if x is a reference type, x.Equals(y) returns true if x and y refer to the same object. Hence, this behavior is the same as for == once the types are determined (except that if x is null, x.Equals(y) will throw a NullReferenceException, whereas x == y will not). However, classes may override this method to change this behavior. For example, the string class overrides this method to return true if y is a string of the same length and contains the same sequence of characters as x.

Let’s now continue the above example by adding the following lines:

bool comp3 = a.Equals(b);
bool comp4 = a.Equals(x);
bool comp5 = x.Equals(a);
bool comp6 = x.Equals(y);

These all evaluate to true for one simple reason — the behavior is determined by the run-time type of a in the case of the first two lines, or of x in the case of the last two lines. Because these types are both string, the objects are compared as strings.


It’s actually a bit more complicated in the case of comp3, but we’ll explain this later.

The object class defines, in addition to the Equals method described above, two public static methods, which are in turn inherited by every type in C#:

  • bool Equals(object x, object y): The main purpose of this method is to avoid the NullReferenceException that is thrown by x.Equals(y) when x is null. If neither x nor y is null, this method simply returns the value of x.Equals(y). Otherwise, it will return true if both x and y are null, or false if only one is null. User-defined types cannot override this method, but because it calls the non-static Equals method, which they can override, they can affect its behavior indirectly.
  • bool ReferenceEquals(object x, object y): This method returns true if x and y refer to the same object or are both null. If either x or y is a value type, it will return false. User-defined types cannot override this method.

Finally, there is nothing to prevent user-defined types from including their own Equals methods with different parameter lists. In fact, the string class includes definitions of the following public methods:

  • bool Equals(string s): This method actually does the same thing as the non-static Equals method defined in the object class, but is slightly more efficient because less run-time type checking needs to be done. This is the method that is called in the computation of comp3 in the above example.
  • static bool Equals(string x, string y): This method does the same thing as the static Equals method defined in the object class, but again is slightly more efficient because less run-time type checking needs to be done.

All of this can be rather daunting at first. Fortunately, in most cases these comparisons end up working the way we expect them to. The main thing we want to focus on here is how to define equality properly in a user-defined type.

Let’s start with the == operator. This is one of several operators that may be defined within class and structure definitions. If we are defining a class called SomeType, we can include a definition of the == operator as follows:

public static bool operator ==(SomeType? x, SomeType? y)
    // Definition of the behavior of ==

If SomeType is a structure, the definition is similar, but we wouldn’t define the parameters to be nullable. Note the resemblance to the definition of a static method. Even though we define it using the syntax for a method definition, we still use it as we typically use the == operator; e.g.,

if (a == b)
    . . .

If SomeType is a class and a and b are both of either type SomeType or type SomeType?, the above definition will be called using a as the parameter x and b as the parameter y.

Within the operator definition, if it is within a class definition, the first thing we need to do is to handle the cases in which one or both parameters are null. We don’t need to do this for a structure definition because value types can’t be null, but if we omit this part for a reference type, comparing a variable or expression of this type to null will most likely result in a NullReferenceException. We need to be a bit careful here, because if we use == to compare one of the parameters to null it will be a recursive call — infinite recursion, in fact. Furthermore, using x.Equals(null) is always a bad idea, as if x does, in fact, equal null, this will throw a NullReferenceException. We therefore need to use one of the static methods, Equals or ReferenceEquals:

public static bool operator ==(SomeType? x, SomeType? y)
    if (Equals(x, null))
         return (Equals(y, null));
    else if (Equals(y, null))
        return false;
        // Code to determine if x == y

Note that because all three calls to Equals have null as a parameter, these calls won’t result in calling the Equals method that we will override below.

Whenever we define the == operator, C# requires that we also define the != operator. In virtually all cases, what we want this operator to do is to return the negation of what the == operator does; thus, if SomeType is a class, we define:

public static bool operator !=(SomeType? x, SomeType? y)
    return !(x == y);

If SomeType is a structure, we use the same definition, without making the parameters nullable.

We now turn to the (non-static) Equals method. This is defined in the object class to be a virtual method, meaning that sub-types are allowed to override its behavior. Because every type in C# is a subtype of object, this method is present in every type, and it can be overridden by any class or structure.

We override this method as follows:

public override bool Equals(object? obj)
    // Definition of the behavior of Equals

For the body of the method, we first need to take care of the fact that the parameter is of type object; hence, it may not even have the same type as what we want to compare it to. If this is the case, we need to return false. Otherwise, in order to ensure consistency between this method and the == operator, we can do the actual comparison using the == operator. If we are defining a class SomeType, we can accomplish all of this as follows:

public override bool Equals(object? obj)
    return obj as SomeType == this;

The as keyword casts obj to SomeType if possible; however, if obj cannot be cast to SomeType, the as expression evaluates to null (or in general, the default value for SomeType). Because this cannot be null, false will always be returned if obj cannot be cast to SomeType.

If SomeType is a structure, the above won’t work because this may be the default value for SomeType. In this case, we need somewhat more complicated code:

public override bool Equals(object? obj)
    if (obj is SomeType x)
        return this == x;
        return false;

This code uses the is keyword, which is similar to as in that it tries to cast obj to SomeType. However, if the cast is allowed, it places the result in the SomeType variable x and evaluates to true; otherwise, it assigns to x the default value of SomeType and evaluates to false.

The above definitions give a template for defining the == and != operators and the non-static Equals method for most types that we would want to compare for equality. All we need to do to complete the definitions is to replace the name SomeType, wherever it occurs, with the name of the type we are defining, and to fill in the hole left in the definition of the == operator. It is here where we actually define how the comparison is to be made.

Suppose, for example, that we want to define a class to represent a Nim board position (see the previous section ). This class will need to have two private fields: an int[ ] storing the number of stones on each pile and an int[ ] storing the limit for each pile. These two arrays should be non-null and have the same length, but this should be enforced by the constructor. By default, two instances of a class are considered to be equal (by either the == operator or the non-static Equals method) if they are the same object. This is too strong for our purposes; instead, two instances x and y of the board position class should be considered equal if

  • Their arrays giving the number of stones on each pile have the same length; and
  • For each index i into the arrays giving the number of stones on each pile, the elements at location i of these arrays have the same value, and the elements at location i of the arrays giving the limit for each pile have the same value.

Code to make this determination and return the result can be inserted into the above template defining of the == operator, and the other two templates can be customized to refer to this type.

Any class that redefines equality should also redefine the hash code computation to be consistent with the equality definition. We will show how to do this in the next section.