General Formatting

All programming will be done using Microsoft Visual Studio® Community 2022 . This integrated development environment (IDE) does a certain amount of formatting automatically. All code formatting should be consistent with what the IDE does automatically, including how it formats code stubs that it inserts. Specifically, all braces should occur on lines by themselves, vertically aligned so that matching braces occupy the same column. (An exception to this rule can be made when the braces enclose a single statement or a part of a statement, and they occur on the same line; however, if it is possible to omit the braces, as in an if statement, this is preferable to placing them on the same line.) Furthermore, blocks of code enclosed by braces should be indented one tab stop inside the braces.


An easy way to format a file consistently (after removing any syntax errors) is to select from the “Edit” menu, “Advanced -> Format Document”.


Don’t change the formatting defaults in the IDE.